Friday, July 23, 2021

When To Start Training Your New Pupppy

#AlphaDogTraining #dogtrainingsaltlakecity At What Age Should I Start Training My Puppy? by Alpha Dog Training (801) 910-1700 At what age should I start training my puppy? is a question I get almost every day here at Alpha Dog Training! The simple answer is the moment you bring the pup into your home! Puppies, just like people, are learning from the moment they’re born. Also, I find the biggest issue I run into is owners expecting too much out of very young puppies. So, expecting a high level of obedience from your new pup is not reasonable. Here’s a few tips: First, get the pup potty trained as soon as you can so you don’t have to clean up pee and poop for any longer than you need to. Next:
1. Exposure: The more your pup sees in those first few months the better. 2. Socialization: The more people your pup meets the better. I know a lot of people get stuck on dog socialization being physical interaction with other dogs but until your pup has all their shots limited interaction with other pups is recommended. 3. This does not mean you don’t want your pup to see another dog during this time, they just don’t need to be physically interacting. 4. Foundation of Commands: Treat training your pup to understand the general commands. 5. All of these and more are gone over in our one-on-one, at-home training. It’s offered after your pups 2nd set of shots (usually around 10 weeks). Then our general obedience, to make your dog amazing for life! It starts at 5 months old (20 weeks). At this age, dogs are old enough to understand and retain real obedience.

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