Sunday, January 23, 2022

Head Rubs and Belly Rubs!

#AlphDogTraining #dogtrainingsaltlakecity Head Rubs and Belly Rubs Published by Alpha Dog Training https:/ (801) 910-1700 When we touch and pet our dogs, we are sharing two very powerful emotions with them. Either our weakness or our dominance. The first time I heard this from my mentor it put many things into perspective for me. Maybe it will for you too? Could your relationship use a rebalance? When we touch our dogs and tell them good dog, pull on a leash to keep them from acting like a fool out on a walk, ask them to sit so they don't run out an open gate, restrain them from getting to the front door, owners are often feeling a range of emotions from anger, to frustration, fear, weakness, anxious, shame, and many others we may not be aware of in the moment. We are feeling the opposite of what we should be feeling (leadership) and acting (clear). That's the way dogs understand their environment best. In dog psychology when they interact physically in disapproval those interactions have carry over to future choices. That lasting mental change is a very important piece many people miss when assessing if their behavior modification program is working. Is it getting better? Is it the same? Is it getting worse? Those are the only options. It doesn't stay the same. It’s important to know how our physical interactions with our dogs makes them more resistant and avoidant to our behavior modification attempts. If what we do isn't clear, adds frustration and stress why wouldn't a dog decide to take matters into their own paws? Survival is, after all, about preserving and protecting one's self. So, if the environment isn't set up for a dog's success, can't we sympothize why they aren't getting the lessons we are trying to teach? Let's dig in! Head Rubs and Belly Rubs from Alpha Dog Training!

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